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Posted by stillhere on April 24, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

Many years ago I had family who went to this church. I visited one time with them and told them I'd never go back there. The oppression I sensed was horrendous. I began praying for their eyes to be opened and they were. They eventually left and are serving The Lord in a healthy church.So many comments on this website and the Lakeview one are so pitiful and sad. It's really hard to imagine that...


Posted by Jo Ann Dzierski on April 18, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

I have not attended this church, but I know a wonderful Pastor and his wife who were a part of this cult for many years. When they began to teach the "truth", their church was taken away from them, and their family, as well. Their adult children have been told that their parents are their enemy, and they have been told to shun them..treat them as dead. This precious Godly couple have had no...


Posted by Out Of Danger on February 28, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

It has taken me over a year to gather the courage and my thoughts to write this. First of all, know that I'm not writing this in a spirit of accusation or bitterness. I simply want to relate my experiences and the results of my choices to provide guidance. If you are attending this place and read this, this is not an attack. I want to provide as much information as possible so people can make...


Posted by Whosoever Believes on February 17, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

This house of cards is bound to come apart soon. I pray for the broken lives it leaves behind.


Posted by mcclustersizeme on January 28, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

Let us forgive this man, and hope that he repents. Each of us will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ.MAT 7:21-23:“Not everyone who says to Me,‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day,‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name...


Posted by All Have Sinned on January 19, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

Check out the CitySeach Lakeview Christian Life Church Bridgeville PA reviews. I was a member there for years. North Ridgeville is a clone of Lakeview. The leaders of both cults claim to speak for God, so who can question their absolute rule? This is a diabolical deception designed only to manipulate and control their followers. To the victims in these cults: Trust your reasoning, and know that...


Posted by Saved by Grace on January 19, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

This place is associated very closely with the Lakeview Christian Life Church in Pittsburgh. There has been lots of negative press on the internet lately and it is the culmination of years of mistreatment and deception towards its present and former members. This very weekend, the senior pastor from Pittsburgh is in Cleveland suring up the ranks as the numbers continue to decrease weekly. I am...


Posted by mcclustersizeme on January 17, 2014. Brought to you by topix.

This church is under the "umbrella" of an organization called the Association of New Testament Ministries. Included in this association is Lakeview Christian Life Church in Bridgeville, PA, among others. Direction and authority over Northridge Christian Life Church flows from the leaders of Lakeview, down to the leaders of Northridge Christian Life Church and the other churches in the...


Posted by Outside T. on January 15, 2014. Brought to you by yellowpages.

Another church they are tied


Posted by FormerMember on December 05, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

We had a horrible experience at this church. It is no a church it is a cult. They tell you how you can dress, what movies you can watch, who you can and can't talk to and even who you should vote for. They break up families, they tried to break up mine. This is all personal experience and I am willing to share our experiences with anyone that is considering attending this place.


Posted by former member of ANTM on November 10, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

Free wrote: To "reader of comments"...Proverbs 14:15 also applies to you and any other of the "faithful" who blindly follow the teachings of over controlling leaders. Do not underestimate the amount of spiritual and emotional damage that is inflicted through isolation, exclusivisim, suffocating control, fear, and relationship control (including shunning). It is no wonder that those who break...


Posted by Free on October 14, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

To "reader of comments"...Proverbs 14:15 also applies to you and any other of the "faithful" who blindly follow the teachings of over controlling leaders. Do not underestimate the amount of spiritual and emotional damage that is inflicted through isolation, exclusivisim, suffocating control, fear, and relationship control (including shunning). It is no wonder that those who break the chains and...


Posted by Free on September 21, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

This church is almost not a church. They are almost a cult. They twist the Bible's teachings to suit what they want their members to believe. They teach exclusion of anything not associated with their church or what they believe. They originally formed about 20 years ago as a branch of Lakeview Christian Life Church in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa. Yet curiously, they have barely any more members...


Posted by Knows better on September 17, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

Pro 14:15 The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going.I knew a family that I liked very much, the parents had two daughters and a son. Their son left home, for whatever reason, and said many derogatory and hurtful comments about his family. I would have traded places with their son as I loved the family very much and didn't agree with what he said.Heb 12:15 See...


Posted by reader of comments on September 10, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

Anonymous man wrote: This church hurt me so bad, I know this is not right for a Christian to say but I hope the pastor and his wife go to hell. They have caused divorce, shunned their own children and told children to forget their parents. They lie to the pore people trapped in the church and say people that have left the church follow satan now. They are cruel and inhuman. They tore my family...


Posted by free on September 02, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

This church hurt me so bad, I know this is not right for a Christian to say but I hope the pastor and

his wife go to hell. They have caused divorce, shunned their own children and told children to forget their parents. They lie to the pore people trapped in the church and say people that have left the church follow satan now. They are cruel and inhuman. They tore my family apart and tore me...


Posted by Anonymous man on August 25, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

it sounds like a new modern day cult run away as fast as u can


Posted by no name on August 25, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

Stay away from this church they will have you shun family members such as your mother father brother sister and even your son or daughter if you decide to leave this church.I have seen my mother and father go through a lot of pain loosing their daughter.I pray she will come back to us!


Posted by setmefreenow on January 27, 2013. Brought to you by yellowpages.

I agree my family has also been hurt by this church wanting the members to shun family members .I dont know how the pastor can sleep at night.


Posted by peggy on January 27, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

I have also seen the pain this churh causes the family members.I dont know how they can call it a christian church when they shun people.


Posted by joseph on January 27, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

This church demands that the members cut contact with there family,including daughters and sons mothers and fathers.This church has hurt my family deeply.


Posted by set my family free on January 27, 2013. Brought to you by topix.

Caution...Practices shunning of former members including parents, children, siblings, other family members, and friends.


Posted by by free237795783 at Citysearch on January 08, 2013. Brought to you by Citysearch.

This church practices shunning of former members, including fellow believers who wish to go to church elsewhere. The leaders instruct those who remain to cut all contact with former members including parents, children, siblings, friends, and other family members who leave the church. This is not written in the spirit of judgment or persecution, but rather as information that one may want to...


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