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ANTM Belief Overview

The ANTM adheres to many orthodox Christian beliefs including:

The Fallen State of Man, The Eternality of God, The Trinity, The Pre-existence of Christ, The Incarnation, The Virgin Birth, The Full Deity and Full Humanity of Jesus Christ, The Passion, Death, Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ.

​However in time you will realize that the ANTM has additional beliefs which make them feel they are unique and separate from mainstream Christendom and they believe this justifies their hurtful practices. This website exists to warn believers and seekers of those behaviors.

The “special” nature of ANTM may be thought to rest atop three pillars:


​1) Doctrinal Purity 

They believe that their doctrines are the pure, revealed ones of the early church. They claim these truths were lost soon after the original apostles died. The ANTM states God has “restored” these truths to them. In theory, others could have these truths as well, but as the founder's wife stated in the Spring 2013 issue of their publication, The Sword and Trowel, "From our travels all over the world, we did not know of ONE other New Testament church preaching the truth." 


2) Worship Authenticity

They believe that their worship is the unique and restored pattern of worship that was the original New Testament church's practice and reflects what worship in heaven will be like. It is believed that current members know of no other church with this specific pattern of worship.

3) Apostolic Legitimacy

They believe that their "apostle" Norman James, Sr. is God's sent messenger to them. He is above reproach in their eyes. They believe they are under his authority and his authority is legitimate and God-ordained. To question Norman amounts to rebellion.


Holding to these three pillars prevents members from ever considering leaving, since no other church, in their eyes, would provide them with these essential foundations to their faith. 


For more information on particular doctrinal differences between the ANTM and general mainstream Christian orthodoxy, please continue on to the other pages in this section of the website.

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