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Gifts Of The Spirit

In the ANTM dogma, those who are completely born again into the Three Part Gospel, automatically receive one or several gifts of the Spirit, which are to be discovered and cultivated over time. The most sought after gifts are the gifts of prophecy, word of wisdom, knowledge and healing.

The gift of prophecy is used in the congregational meetings on a weekly basis and always occurs after the last of the song is sung where everyone slows down the last line of the last song, queuing the people that it is time to start singing in tongues. This harmonious blending is beautiful to hear, but is not spontaneous. It is a ritual learned by rote after which everyone gets quiet and those who feel like God is giving them a "word of prophecy" speak what they believe the Spirit gives them to say.

These are usually encouraging thoughts based on a scripture or a metaphor described with a spiritual correlation; they often contain warnings of a need to change, comfort that what they are going through is all going to be worth it one day and most famously, whenever the troops get down and discouraged... God is either pruning or getting ready to do something new.


There is a special use of this gift, usually reserved for special meetings, like Christian Life Class graduation or Ministry Training School graduation. This is called directive prophecy, where the ministry, calling, and future life of the person is predicted and proclaimed. Usually these prophecies come from the apostle or a pastor or elder. In more recent years, these are usually cleared with the apostle first to see if it is in agreement with his impressions.

The point of this section is not to try and speak for or against the scriptural basis for the practice, but to point out the dangers of such regular practices. 


The use of predictive personal revelation from authority figures fosters dependence of the congregation upon the leadership for their spiritual direction and makes them remain loyal to the group, as they believe it is unlikely to find God anywhere else.


The use of personal predictive prophecy is rife with the potential for abuse, manipulation, coercion, and is used as a tool for the withholding of approval and control. Conveniently, any prophecies that fail to come to pass are the fault of the recipient not doing what was needed to assure its fulfillment, and not the fault of the leader possibly “hearing incorrectly what the Spirit was saying”. It is a tool for condemnation and judgment of the first order.

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