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Elements of Critical Thinking

One of the challenges of examining one's beliefs in the ANTM is considering them critically. There is a lot of emotion vested in maintaining a certain set of beliefs about a group, a person, or even doctrine. Critical thinking limits emotional biases that cloud objective thoughts about something that keeps a system of thought from standing on its own merits. If a system of belief can not withstand critical analysis, then perhaps, it needs to be modified, viewed as less than reliable or even discarded. 



Understanding Logical Fallacies

These are thought loops that prevent you from truly considering the merits of ANTM practices and behaviors. Especially consider ad hominem attacks, sunk cost, straw man, black vs white, and confirmation bias fallacies.




Meyers-Briggs Personality Test

Understand your personality bent. Keep track of it at specific time intervals after leaving the ANTM. You will see it change as your true personality replaces the learned mimicking of elements of the personality of the cult leader.

Co-Dependency Test


You may believe that you are able to make independent decisions and even have independent thoughts. This test may reveal that you are actually bound by the opinion of your leader.






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