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An Open Letter To Current Members

Hello Everyone,


Please know that this website is not meant to be an attack on anyone. We really strive to thoughtfully consider the tone and content of what is posted. There are times where things may come across as confrontational or, you may even view it as persecuting. Please know that this is not the intention.


Often when concepts challenge one's current opinion, contrary views may cause anxiety, initially. We encourage you to push through these initial feelings and actually consider the content presented. Any beliefs worth holding will stand up to scrutiny. Any belief held without weighing it against opposing views is foolish. Luke lauded the Bereans for testing things that Paul and Silas taught them, to make sure they were true. You would do well to do the same. Be objective and you may be surprised at what conclusions you reach.


Also know that we genuinely care for you all. We wish you the best and believe that ultimately, in this life and the next, the best life for you is to be found outside the walls of the ANTM. Having been on the other side of the fence, we have found that while there was a lot that we enjoyed about our time in the ANTM (camp, fellowship meals, friendships, being a part of a group that had a sense of purpose and special place in God's plan), looking back, there was much damage done to the individual psyche, their family dynamics and relationships, and expressions of autonomy in life's choices, as a result of life in the ANTM. We also found that since being out, many of us have found our understanding of God's grace and love have deepened and our appreciation has grown for the fact that Jesus has accomplished everything for us pertaining to our salvation and life in Him.


The most painful part about being out of the ANTM is the shunning that we experience. It is hurtful. It does not embody Christ's command to treat others the way you would want to be treated. It does not reflect His nature or His heart. Shunning causes people to violate the command to honor their father and mother. If your leaders have interpreted a scripture so that a practice in your church results in you breaking one of Christ's obvious commands, then it can't be the right interpretation of the scripture that is the basis for the practice. Shunning causes you to reject the most precious gift that God ever gave you outside of salvation...your family.


Shunning us does not make us "want to come back". It does not "protect you from deception". It does nothing but cause pain. Please consider pushing through the fears you have of disobeying what the leadership has told you about speaking to family outside the church and think for yourselves. Reach out to your families. Reach out to your children, your parents, your friends. They still desperately love you. Ironically, they long to treat you with the love and compassion of Christ. Ask yourself, if would you want to be treated this way. Then follow Christ's command to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 


And to Norman and Chris, we fear for what you will answer for before the Throne of God. You have misrepresented people to the church in why they left. You have told narratives to the congregation that were not true and were conveniently incomplete. You have supported divorce when it was not biblically mandated or even allowed. You have destroyed families. You have inflicted pain on God's people within and God's people without. You have trained your people to believe in conditional love, conditional acceptance and performance based pharisee-ism. Despite this, we pray for you.


Tighter control on your member's contact with those who have left will not work. It makes your people doubt your motives more and more. Your congregation is beginning to realize that shunning is not about following Christ, it is about you maintaining control. Stop this evil!



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