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A Statement Of Purpose And Scope

We are survivors of the various groups under the control of the Association of New Testament Ministries (ANTM), of which this church is a part. Regrettably, each of us also participated, to one degree or another, in the ANTM behaviors of coercion, manipulation, and abuse, including the weaponizing of relationships and the destruction of families.


Groups like this continue to exist because the vast majority of people who escape from them do not speak out. This allows the abusers to tell the story that makes them look good, and then repeat the abuse - so the pattern of behavior continues.


The intent of this website is to expose what is happening, and in so doing, take responsibility for what we have done.


Once we feel we have adequately described the history, the nature, the abuses, and the who, what, when and where of the ANTM, this site will no longer be updated, but will instead stand as a memorial, a monument that testifies to the true legacy of the ANTM and its founder Norman H. James.

















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