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​2024 Summary

2024 Summary

The spring brought with it,  the Church of the Living Word in Maine formally closing its doors and selling its building. Most members moved back to Pittsburgh.


Additionally, Northridge Christian Life Church in Cleveland was disfellowship by Chris Otis, after its Pastor sought to find out the details on the removal of Norman Jr. on his own instead of trusting Chris' assessment of the situation. This ultimately resulted in the church having no pastor, after Toomey resigned. Many have left NCLC, and it is essentially now the Falk family and a few others. They meet, share a little, someone occasionally preaches. Time will tell what will become of this unsustainable situation.


The summer brought a name change and PR reboot to Lakewiew, now known as Wellspring Church. All ties and references to the James family have been removed.


In early September 2024, founding pastor and self-proclaimed apostle, Norman Harvey James, Sr. died. There was no memorial service held in any ANTM church. "Dad James," a man who encouraged so many to break ties and shun family over the years, was, in the end, shunned by his own church family and was to be remembered no more. The circle of family rejection is now complete. What a tragic irony.


"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a person sows, this he will also reap." Galatians 6:7 



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