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Question...Does This Comparison Sound Familiar?

It's easy at first glance to do a cursory comparison to an obviously severe cult like Jim Jones' cult and say, we aren't like them, therefore, we are not a cult. But, in actuality, cults are varied in degrees, yet all share similar psychological elements that focus on control. So just because a group isn't on the extreme end of the spectrum, doesn't mean they aren't similar.


Below you will see several comparisons to various groups, all of which you would agree are, in fact, cults. Cast aside what these groups have for their doctrine. Cults are never about doctrine, the are about practice; they are about behavior. So, take your time on this page and on it's links. Observe these various group's behavior, what they do. See how they maintain control. Take note of what they limit in their people and ask the bold question, is the ANTM similar in its practices? â€‹â€‹


First up, we have this chart comparing terms that are used in various cults. Notice that there are analogous practices and terms in the ANTM. Interesting...


Next up is  literally a page from the Jehovah's Witness playbook. Can you see the similarity in what this cult practices and what Lakeview and the ANTM does? Think about it current members...and ask yourself, is this policy truly about Christ...or about control?
Now watch the video clip below and as you do, ask yourself, "Could I imagine one of my pastors saying the same thing when pressed about it. We have observed that while the ANTM pastors don't openly teach this from the pulpit regularly, they practice and believe exactly the same policy. It is a policy of the Jehovah's Witnesses, used to control relationships and ensure loyalty to the group as proof of loyalty to God. It is evil and it is wrong. Can't you just hear Norman or Chris saying these exact same things?
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