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Red October

The month of October 2023 brought with it the most transformative events in the history of the ANTM since Black Sunday. We at ANTM Questions have dubbed this event Red October, for it bears resemblance to covert governmental overthrows of certain, shall we say, less than free societies. 

The cascade of stunning events forever changed the landscape of the ANTM. 
The order of evetns was as follows:


- Rebecca James passed away Sept 6th, 2023. No obituary or news announcements were posted.


- A Memorial service was held on Saturday October 14th 2023 at Lakeview. No members or pastors from the other churches were allowed to attend.


- An elder's meeting was held Tuesday October 17th. Sources tell us that Norman was not allowed to defend himself at this meeting. Prior to the meeting Norman, Jr, was handed a list of accusations that addressed his lack of leadership and poor handling of church related situations, even pertaining to his own family.  He was told that he had 24 hours to respond and step down. Norman, Jr. resigned.


- A congregational meeting was called for Thursday October 19th 2023. Each of the churches held their own meeting. Details of the allegations were scant. The congregations were encouraged to trust the new ascending leadership.


- In the days following, it became clear that the entire James family proper was dismissed, Norman, David and Eric. According to multiple sources, Norman Sr. apparently came into town but was not able to meet with Lakeview leadership. Apparently Sr. did meet with Norman, David and other family before heading back to Maine.


- The ANTM as a formal organization was dissolved. The 2 remaining churches in Bridgeville, PA and Westerville, OH continue on as 2 independent churches, with independent pastors, working together voluntarily. Instead of one small cult, it appears that there are now 2 tiny ones.

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