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It Makes You Feel Like
You Can Never Leave


Most members of the ANTM have considered leaving at least once over the years. But they are in closed loop systems of thinking that keep them from acting on their gut level concerns. These concepts are taught to members over the years and serve as prison bars to the mind that prevents pushing beyond those borders into true freedom in Christ. Some of these concepts are sourced in the Shepherding Movement of the 1970’s.


Beyond these prison walls there is the fear of leaving a system they are familiar with, fear of losing family and friends. The anxiety that comes from considering life on the outside keeps thoughts of leaving fleeting, yet the thoughts continue to come, because deep down inside, they still know something is wrong with the system. It doesn’t smell right. It doesn’t seem like what the Lord would do. It doesn’t feel like an easy yoke. It doesn’t seem to be producing the fruits of the spirit of peace, joy, kindness, and gentleness in their lives. That questioning voice may get softer at times, but deep in each of their minds, its always there.


The self-imprisoning thoughts usually are along the lines of the following narratives:

1)      I made a commitment and a commitment is for life.


- God only asks you to make a commitment to Him, never to a pastor or local church.



2)      God placed me under the apostle’s authority, I must submit to him.


- We are only under the authority of God and His word and to conscience.


3)      If I remove myself from my covering, then I am prone to the enemy and deception.


- There is no reference to covering theology in the Word. It was an outgrowth of the Shepherding Movement. Our covering is Jesus and His Spirit that indwells us. We are covered.


4)      There are no other churches out there that preach the “true gospel”.

- Paul fought against the Galatians, who added ceremonial rites to simple faith in Christ. They also added legalistic requirements to those who were gentiles. Paul opposed this vehemently. Just as circumcision was not required for a gentile to be saved, so also baptism is not a requirement for salvation. The gospel is the good news that Jesus has done it all. No work we do can add to what He has done. No rite will accomplish what was already given to us by faith.


5)      God cares for His sheep and will take care of any leadership problems.

- God also gives us sense enough to know that when a house is on fire we don’t wait around for the fire department to put it out. We get out of the house.



6)      Just because we aren’t growing, that doesn’t mean God isn’t pleased. God doesn’t care about numbers. After all, “straight is the gate and narrow is the way and few there be that find it.”


- The byproduct of a healthy faith is growth. Jesus said, “If I be lifted up…I will draw all men unto Me.” The reason the ANTM is not growing is that a legalistic system is lifted up, not Christ.



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